Here is a pic of Connor "talking"! We were at the ice cream shop and he is making the sign for more. I know he isn't speaking yet-but I am pretty darn proud of him for picking up a few of these signs. He doesn't know exactly when to use them correctly yet-but he is trying so hard to communicate. Sometimes we will just be driving down the road and he will be doing various signs to himself...I guess he is talking to himself? Who knows for sure, only him and God...
I am packing Samantha (and Belle, lol) up for an overnight trip to Aunt Laurie's house. We leave early around 6 am for our 8:30am appt. in Atlanta and it is just easier to not deal with Sami that early for drop-offs. Laurie said she would puppy-sit as well. That was nice b/c Belle is a handful!
Connor will have a rough time. He needs the NG tube down his nose into his stomach and he has to have an IV placed (they can't use his port because the IV contrast is bad for it) So it will be a battle-for us and the nurses...then after two hours of putting the oral contrast down the NG tube, he will be sedated and the CT scan will be done at 11:30am, that part only takes about 10 minutes.
At 2 pm we have our appt. with his oncologist and will hopefully get good news that he is still NED (no evidence of disease)
Prayers welcome for no cancer anywhere.
Many prayers will be said for your entire family. We love you all so much and you are constantly in our thoughts. Joede and Family
prayers continue connor for great results. wow you are so clever signing = thats fantastic, you go to show deqlan how - i am also trying to teach open, he knows the sign for open ( by tapping on the gate or door) so excited to teach him more! Well done Connor!
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