Is anybody still out there reading this? I am so sorry for the long delay in posting-no excuses except still getting used to our busy routine...Sam traveling so much has put most of the parenting on me-so it means long days (and nights sometimes for me & Connor)
I got Connor back into speech therapy, so we have added that to our weekly schedule-along with his every 3 week IVIG infusion. He is off the antibiotic infusion and on oral meds for twice a week, saves us an hour in Atlanta every time! Woo-hoo!! He is doing great too, walking well & trying to talk more and more. Wonderful to hear, he is improving so much from school, which he loves.
Halloween was fun, we had our big party at my sisters house-complete with a scavenger hunt for the older kids, and musical pumkins and mummy wrapping with toilet tissue, lol! Connor loved his cowboy costume and we even talked Daddy into dressing up as a doctor for the festivities.
Connor is still doing lots of cooking with me, lots of cakes (which he calls "C")He doesn't eat much of the treats, but really enjoys using the mixer and decorating. So sweet!
I was checking my email on Friday and I had a note from our social worker in Atlanta...she and Connor's doctor have filled out paperwork for Make-A-Wish!!! It is a long process, especially with the economy so bad off, but it looks like it will take about 6-9 months for him to get a wish.
I can't believe how excited I am about sister had referred Connor a year ago or so and it depressed me All I could think was Connor can't communicate enough to tell us anything about his wants or where HE would like to go. And with that organization (Kids Wish Foundation) the child HAS to be able to tell the wish...not possible for Connor...even now he still can't express or verbalize enough to do that. But he doesn't have to for Make-A-Wish.
Connor talks ALL the time about going back to Universal Studios where they have a Curious George water park (we went for one day in July) Of course-all he says is "Shoe Wa-Wa" He pronounces George like shoe-but WE know what he means, lol.
Tomorrow is our Atlanta day...Connor is looking forward to doing his arts and crafts there that we save for his time he is hooked up to his tubies.
Thanks for all the prayers!
I still wonder at how you manage to handle it all - hoping Connor gets his wish soon. I KNOW how badly he wants to go back to Universal, lol! Can't Nini fix that darn water thing for him yet???
Love you guys,
Hello Strangers nice to have you back in the world of blog! Glad to hear Connor doing so well and you all looked awesome for Halloween! Stay in touch , God bless and prayers love Mark Samm Deqlan Logan
I am so glad to hear that Connor is doing well. Kaitlyn has prospered since entering school and it sounds like Connor has done the same. We are praying Connor gets his wish. These kids have been through so much...they deserve the trip of a lifetime!
God Bless,
Barb & Kaitlyn
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