Thanks for all the well wishes for our trip to Florida. It was amazing and so great to spend time as a family together. The twins had a fun Disney birthday last Saturday (I cannot believe they are 14!) Samantha was thrilled, amazed, and so happy to be there-made it all so special seeing her smiling face.
Connor was a bit overwhelmed. We forced him onto Winnie the Pooh and It's a Small World and then I couldn't do it anymore and we didn't make him-he was just too scared. OMG @the screaming! He did LOVE Mickey's Toontown and Ariel's Grotto thank goodness. He played in the water and walked through Minnie's house and loved the little play area there. We were also able to get him a special sticker for his stroller to be used as a wheelchair and he was able to "drive" right up to all the attractions and places the strollers aren't usually allowed. That helped a ton! Even though he didn't ride anything-he had a good time. He got soaked in Ariel's play area and a bit later we were in a shop and he reached out to grab a pair of Mickey Crocs, lol. He wanted his wet shoes off :) So I got him the little shoes and a firetruck he HAD to have and that truck kept him entertained the rest of the day.
We go in the morning for more evaluations on Connor.
It is his eval to see what services he will qualify for in the public school system. At age 3 they are eligible for speech, occupational, and physical therapy in school. But it is tricky who gets what and how often and for what hours.
We have been told since he is more severe he will get 3 full days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) with speech and occupational therapy once a week-but nothing is definate until another big meeting to discuss the results of THIS meeting in about a month and half-right before his birthday on April 26th. Whew! They are keeping me hopping!
There are going to be so many people there tomorrow I am afraid it is going to freak him out. And he is supposed to sit with THEM at one table while me and Sam are at another table farther away. They will be using six different tests to score him on-and them averaging them together. This is good because he might not do good on one method of testing-on something he actually knows how to do, you know?
So I have stayed busy with the trip, still dealing with our insurance company over speech therapy for Connor, Samantha got her cast off (yeah!), trying to get all our paperwork together for the medical grant, the house, the dog (who got sick at the vets while we were gone) speech therapy and playgroup, ballet lessons, and various other tasks, lol. Too much! But I like being busy so things are good.
Round 8 of Decadron is starting-I am hoping it is a smooth week-even with the steroid rages and aches he gets. He is handling it better though on the Zyprexa and the Motrin and Vicadin always help out.
We miss all of you-our real life friends and our internet buddies. You will never know how much ALL of you mean to us.
Braedon is hanging on Praise the Lord, Deqlan had clean scans (Go Deqlan!), Makhi is in Springfield and we hope to hear good news by this weekend, Travon has been experiencing more OMS symptoms lately and needs prayers as can read about all our little friends if you go to the "Check it out" section. All these soldiers need our prayers for good health!
As some of you know-our restaurant caught fire this afternoon. All is okay-thanks to the firemen who responded. Thanks for the calls and we hope to have it all running smoothly quickly.
So glad you guys had a great time at Disney - wish we could have been there with you. Love all the pics - the kids looked like they had a spectacular time. Best of luck with the testing, I would be nervous too if I had all that going on! I am praying for all the kids I have met online - there struggles make me realize not to sweat the small stuff so much. Connor is so lucky that God chose you to be his mommy - he is the luckiest little boy in the world as far as great parents. You and Sam are wonderful. Love you all,
So glad you guys had a good time at disney. How are we are old enough to have kids 14 and 13? not possible. good luck with all the tests.
Wow looks like you had a stunning time ! Deqlan would have loved Mickey to! Love Connors shirt, think Deqlan would wear it every day to if he could! I cant believe how big all the kids are getting, especially Connor! Gorgeous boy! Lots of love and prayers always
Mark Samm Deqlan Logan
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