Connor's Corner

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Took Connor in...

Woke up AGAIN today to find Connor in a bed full of vomit. I felt SO bad, we checked on him a bunch last night, so it must have happened sometime after 1 am. Still pulling on his ears, so I took him to the doctor-mostly to rule out anything more serious going on.

No ear infection or strep-probably just a virus causing the throwing up (which I figured) but the mouth pain and not eating I was really hoping he would say is strep, so it would go away with treatment.

He said the ears could be hurting if his jawline is hurting from the steroids. Maybe, just don't know for sure...

Hopefully tomorrow he will feel a little better and eat a little too. I was thinking of getting some of those Carnation Instant Breakfast shake things to see if he could get some nutrition in that way-all he ate today was a few bites of oatmeal. That was it for the WHOLE day. He will drink milk, but even his favorite foods aren't tempting him. This has been going on for a month almost (the not eating) Please pray that it is all just him feeling yucky and nothing else. He sure could use a break right now.

Samantha was home sick today as well. Just coughing mostly, but bed enough to keep her home. We are planning on going to Fantasy in Lights Thursday at Callaway Gardens-so I hope everyone is perkier by then.

Stacy is frantically busy with Science Fair, we are all ready for that to be over. Her tri-board turned out awesome!!! Ryan got lucky on this one and didn't have to do a he has been busy reading mostly.

Love to all-


Anonymous said...

Hey Deb - I hope the kids feel better soon - Erin seems to be coming down with a cold now too. I'm not sure if she will make it to school tomorrow. We'll see I guess. I just got her to bed and it's after 1 in the morning!

They all need to get well so we can enjoy Fantasy in Lights!

I am really worried about Connor not wanting to eat. I hope when he starts feeling better his appetite will improve. I think the Carnation shake idea is good.

Love ya,

The Woodman Family said...

Oh Brother..... It sounds like it was a long night and day in your house.... I tryed to call you back tonight but I got no answer. I left a message. Sorry I could not talk when you called I really have to put alot of work into Makhi to get him to eat and it sounds like the same problem you are having with Conner.
We when to see that doctor today and he did give him something when I talk with you I will explain it more to you it is just to much to type out. Hope to talk with you soon

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to see how things are going for you all..I hope Connor will be okay. Poor guy:[ It bothers me so much that he has such a rough time with the Decadron. Hopefully the medicine they gave you will help out with everything a little. For his sake AND YOURS! lol;) I'll be thinking and praying for you guys. Take Care!


*Our Family*


"Connor's 3rd Birthday in Pics"

Before OMS Onset....

Connor was SO happy and interactive-then OMS struck at 15 months old and he changed overnight...

"Holiday Slideshow 2008"

"A Year In Pictures-2008"

Slideshow Stacy Made!

Connor's 2nd Birthday April 2008

Halloween 2006

Connor George Khoury

Connor George Khoury