Connor's Corner

Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Choo-Choo Day"

Today was supposed to be a really fun day for Connor-it was train day at playgroup and right now trains are his favorite thing to play with...he is still feeling puny and just not well. Could be the meds, could be some touches of the virus he had last week still upsetting his system-but whatever it is-we are ready for it to go away! We made it to playgroup and it started good, but after a while Connor very clearly expressed his desire to leave. He kept pointing to the door and saying, "Baaa" as in "BYE" and was signing "all done". :-) Pretty clear don't you think? His therapist was so pleased he was communicating-she said I probably should listen to him and go ahead and call it quits and leave-so we did. Here are some pics of him from this morning-you can really tell in the 2nd pic how rough the last few weeks have been on him. He just looks very tired and his face, which should be pretty puffy from the steroids, is looking almost thin (for him)

Samantha has caught the throwing up bug and was home from school today. We hope she is better in time for her party Saturday.

We missed Fantasy in Lights today because of all this-so we hope to go next week sometime. We can't wait to see Connor's reaction to all the pretty Christmas lights! Ryan, Stacy, and Samantha love it too-no matter how many times we see it, it is still magical.

I'm VERY excited about all the links on the right-hand side of the blog I have been collecting! When Connor was first diagnosed, there were hardly any stories out in "cyberspace" about other kids going through the same thing as he is, fighting OMS. Not surprising-since only 1 in 10 million people are diagnosed with this condition each year. If you have time-check out Connor's friends from all over the world, battling each day to beat OMS. Thanks to all who emailed me their kids sites to share. :)

Thanks for checking on us. Please keep praying for a cure to be found for Connor and the rest of the children like him.



The Woodman Family said...

I enjoyed talking with you the other night. Conner looks so big!!! He looks really tall in the second picture. I hope Connor starts to fell better soon. Let me know he makes out with the new med.

Anonymous said...

Deb -
I was so disappointed you had to leave playgroup - it's just not as much fun without Connor around. I hope he is feeling better next week for Santa! I can't wait to see Adam's reaction - he wasn't too impressed with Santa last night at Callaway - although he DID accept the candy cane Santa gave him (which I immediately took away - can you say choking hazard??? The poor little guy still doesn't have all his teeth, LOL!)

Love you so much and I hope ALL of you are feeling better soon. When I get a chance I will check out the links you added.

*Our Family*


"Connor's 3rd Birthday in Pics"

Before OMS Onset....

Connor was SO happy and interactive-then OMS struck at 15 months old and he changed overnight...

"Holiday Slideshow 2008"

"A Year In Pictures-2008"

Slideshow Stacy Made!

Connor's 2nd Birthday April 2008

Halloween 2006

Connor George Khoury

Connor George Khoury