Stacy, my lovely little girl...
My babies ready for the big night!
Ryan looking handsome in his tie
Stacy looking gorgeous!
Is it okay if I shed a tear or two over these pictures?? I am the mom after all, and don't most moms get teary-eyed seeing their kids suddenly looking like they are on the verge of being grown up, lol? I sure did tonight, I am so very proud of my kiddos-getting into the school they both wanted-working extra hard to make it happen and succeeding! Good reason to celebrate!
They attended the high schools holiday social tonight and had a great time. The favors were adorable, wine glasses filled with gel candles and the name of their school and the date written in gold lettering on them-so beautiful! We look forward to 3 more years of them maturing and learning and watching them grow...
Connor was in terrible pain on the way to the festivities-so bad we dropped the kids and went directly to a drugstore to get him some much needed Motrin. Me and Stacy had to massage his legs the entire time in the car just to keep the crying at bay...this joint pain he gets is just soo hard to watch him suffer with! The Motrin did its magic, and we were off to enjoy some Christmas lights while the kids were at the social. Connor and Samantha LOVED one house in particular that goes all out with their light display, so cute seeing their reactions!
Tomorrow is a big day for the little ones-Connor's 1st class Christmas party, followed by one for Samantha's class. Can't wait for the fun!! I probably went overboard (sorry teachers, lol) with the planning for Connor's class-I couldn't help myself. I did little stocking for each of the kids with their pictures on the front and filled the to act as "goody bags", and we will have a pizza party and book exchange for the little ones.
Today Connor and I went to visit Samantha's 1st grade class and we decorated gingerbread houses, I'll post pics once we bring them home! Adorable! Connor ate as many candies as he put on his house, lol, it was funny to watch him. Then he played outside with all the "big kids" He is so tall though he is almost as big as some of the 1st graders. Strange to see him interacting with so many kids at one time-we keep him away from large groups in general, so I was glad he did okay with all the chaos going on...
Love to all,